Tynor Walker Invalid?s is a convenient device to allow the patient to be mobile even with the high degrees of disability, because of old age, nervous disorder, fracture, disease, injury etc.
Highly Functional Design
It is Ready to use with very easy locking system and is quick, with easy push-button unlocking system. It is Light weight, Aluminum frame weighing only 2.2kg and covers wide user height from 3?8? to 5?.
Strong, anodized Aluminum Body
It is durable, rust proof, matte silver finish, has strong riveted joints which strengthen the walker. It is easy to carry and fold.
Ergonomic Design
Its foam hand grip makes it soft, comfortable and fatigueless. Accurate height adjustment with 1? increments. It has smooth adjustments and movements, has well selected pod material, provides cushioning effect during walking. Pods provides excellent traction, high wear resistance and high resilience. The product has high quality workmanship and improved aesthetics & durability.
Foldable Depth 8.0 cm
It is easy to carry, easy to fold, can be transported in a car boot, can be stored under a bed.